Travel Inspiration

20 Lessons That Travel Has Taught Me

20 lessons that travel has taught me

1. Get up and go. The worst thing you can is sit around and wait for your next adventure to fall in your lap. Make it happen.

2. Work as hard as you can for something that you really want.
3. Travel really is the only thing that makes your richer… At the end of the day, material objects don’t really leave you with the same kind of memories that travel can.
4. Don’t live in fear. Sure, theres a certain level of caution you should always maintain, but don’t not go somewhere or don’t do something because someone else told you it was scary.
5. Form your own opinions about things.
6. Everything that happens, happens for a reason.
7. Try and roll with the punches. Living in Thailand has taught me that things don’t usually go as planned!
8. Don’t sweat the small stuff.
9. Public transportation can be a bad thing or a good thing.
10. You can’t please everyone. 
11. Do you. At the end of the day, your own happiness is what matters.
12. Try new things, it keeps life more interesting. 
13. Plan accordingly. Some countries don’t have the things you would consider as basic necessities (i.e, tampons or toilet paper in SE Asia).
14. Having limited or no access to wifi won’t kill you. I promise.
15. Talk to strangers…sometimes. Make friends, find out something only a local would know, but be smart about it!
16. Things are just things (and the less you have, the easier it is to travel).
17. Traveling alone can be as satisfying as traveling with your best friends.
18. Don’t plan everything little detail out.
19. Be kind. It can go a very long way in the world.
20. You can’t regret travel. 
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20 things that travel has taught me

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